We are not yet experts and the reality is that we will not be because they scared us so much with Mexico that we went very fast to the north, as we had already warned you.
But we have some tips:
At the border, it took us an hour, and we had to go back to another route to ask for a permit for the car. But the most important thing is that they ask for a deposit for the car. The ideal is to give them the value in cash, I read that it can go up to 300 dollars. We gave 200 and then they'll give it back when we leave the country.
We also had to take out car insurance, which we did at MAPFRE but we don't recommend anything. The insurance is supposed to cover travel assistance. Well, we got stuck in the sand, and after 10 hours waiting for the trailer, between many calls and a gentleman who came to see if the car really needed the trailer. After talking to 6 people, and always confirming that the trailer was leaving, there is one who says we have no right. It was already 8 am and we had to call a tractor in the village to get us out.
The most dangerous thing in Mexico isn't the drug cartels, it's the “Topes”, or speed bumps. We have already identified some types of tops:
1 - The tops that we only see when we are really arriving and we only have time to hold on to the seat and say: BEWARE
2 - The stops that we see in the distance and that we go very slowly, the best trick is to identify a cautious driver and always go after him and see when he slows down and slows down
3 - The topes that are nothing and that we go slowly and in the end they weren't, we like to call them nopes.
4 - The funniest tops where animals are standing still, we've already seen a cow, and a turkey, in addition to many cats and dogs.
It is important to mention that in Mexico people are not very adept at following the rules of the road, they do not comply with the limits and therefore, the inhabitants of a place often ask to put the stoppers so that people are more careful in their village. Next to each stop there is always a tire shop.
We went on the motorway but also on the national ones, and the reality is that the motorways, despite having to pay, are more economical because with the braking due to the stops on the national roads, we consume more fuel, the roads have many more holes, and the path has more curves and is longer. When traveling on the highways in Mexico we are covered by insurance and in addition they offer a free service of quick repairs that can be carried out on the road. They are called green angels.
Along the roads we saw a lot of police, which, on the one hand, reassures us, on the other hand, they are the main extortioners of money and who often invent fines to harm