We are for love
We are for kisses, hugs, and tears of emotion
We are for the alliances placed in hands trembling with emotion
We are for the smiles, we are for the magic
We are for traditions, we are for weddings
We want to go on the move, looking for new paths
Only then can we feel, only then can we tell the story
It doesn't matter how we go, but why we go
We want to feel happiness, convey it in pictures and in words
Only then will everyone be able to see that love happens all over the world
No matter race, creed, tradition, only love matters
We want to reveal the curious eyes, the friends from a distant country
Only then will we be able to smile spontaneously and share memorable moments.
It doesn't matter if they think we're crazy
We want to talk for hours with strangers, drink new cultures and toast with new words.
Only then can we share the love
It doesn't matter if it's the aunt, the cousin, the friend, the grandfather, only love matters
We want to learn new languages, not to speak, but to listen and tell stories.
Maybe only after climbing mountains, traveling on dirt roads, crossing rivers, will we find the story that makes sense.
It doesn't matter
We want to shout to the world: we are for love!
Just like that after sleeping under the stars, cooking with spices we don't even know the name of and feeling like we don't belong anywhere
We will strip away flags, and borders that are nothing more than imaginary lines